Write...or Die Trying

I used to work in a factory. Now I work in an office. Either way, my writing was dying. So now I must: Write...or Die Trying.


More Search Terms REDUX

I blogged about an essay I had to do last fall when we were covering "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." It was a character analysis I did on nurse Ratched (dumb idea to facilitate academic plagerism by posting the whole paper, I know) and I'm getting several people coming here using those search terms.

Are they looking for a pre-manufactured paper they can download and turn in, or are they just looking for background information? If it's the former. . .tsk, tsk [finger wag].

Write your own character analysis! ;-) I got a C (deservedly) on that one, anyway, so they're not getting much benefit from it.


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